Protecting what’s yours: trusts and pre-nups

There are a range of benefits when it comes to pre-nups and trusts, including safeguarding your assets, clarity, streamlining tax payments and helping with succession planning.

When it comes to a pre-nup – it’s only legally valid if a written agreement has been certified by a lawyer. Legal advice is also recommended when it comes to creating a trust because it will ensure your trust is well-structured, legally sound, and aligned with your intentions.

Lane Neave has a proven track record and unmatched expertise in asset protection and relationship property law – including the creation of pre-nups and trusts. The team will ensure the right protections are put in place once, and correctly, to ensure you can focus on living life.

Understanding pre-nups

Officially known as a contracting out agreement, a pre-nup is an insurance policy for your assets and – if you’re a business owner – will safeguard your business’s journey.

In New Zealand, when you’re in a de facto relationship for three years or more, or married, your relationship property will be split 50/50 if you separate. A pre-nup puts you in control of this division of assets and acts as a rule book for dividing assets, providing a clear road map for the future.

Top three benefits of a pre-nup:

  1. Minimise stress – it can help reduce stress, conflicts, time and expense at what is likely to be an emotional time.
  2. Tailor asset division to suit your situation, including property, assets and debts accumulated prior to your relationship.
  3. Protects assets – a well-crafted agreement will protect your assets when entering a relationship with existing property or assets – including intellectual property.

Understanding trusts

A trust is a legal entity that holds and manages assets on behalf of beneficiaries.

It offers a protective shield for your assets while allowing for efficient wealth management and distribution. For business founders, trusts can provide a range of advantages that contribute to long-term success.

Top three benefits of a trust:

  1. Succession Planning. A trust enables seamless succession planning, ensuring your legacy continues without disruption.
  2. Tax Efficiencies. A trust can potentially optimise your taxes so you can use your hard-earned money where it matters most.
  3. Clarity for business-owners. It helps keep your personal finances distinct from your business’s finances, minimising potential complications.

Lane Neave’s legal team combines its deep understanding of pre-nups and trusts with practical advice – ensuring your asset protection seamlessly aligns with your vision.

We appreciate that legal jargon can be overwhelming so let us break down the complexities and provide clear and concise advice in a streamlined and efficient way.

Meet the team that makes
things simple.

Mike King
Chris Anderson
Andy Bell

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