Intellectual Property

Commercialising Intellectual Property
There is increasing awareness of the value of intellectual property rights, including recognition that innovation and design can create specific demand, influence consumer preference and generate ongoing product/brand loyalty....
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Five fantastic benefits of trade mark registration
What is a trade mark? A trade mark is a type of intellectual property...
Copyright in the employment relationship: made by you, but is it yours?
In a world where content is king, intellectual property (IP) rights rule supreme. So,...
Issues Paper – review of the Copyright Act 1994
At the end of November 2018 the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)...
Competition and Consumer Law / Intellectual Property specialist Anna Ryan promoted to Lane Neave partnership
Lane Neave is pleased to announce the promotion of Anna Ryan to the firm’s...
Why you should make brand protection a priority in 2018 – case study
If you are starting a new business venture, launching a new product or service,...